Wednesday, March 10, 2004


I have learned lots in my time in this world, and for some some reason feel the need to burden you with some of them. You may find them helpful, or annoying... the choice is yours.

1.Girls that twirl their hair are 98.9 % guaranteed to be crazy.
2.Women that twirl their hair are 110% guaranteed to be crazy.
3.Women who twirl their hair and chew on the ends of the hair they are twirling should be euthanized, or banished to sapphos island.
4.If a dog has it's head down, it's probably going to bite you.
5.If you're in a heated confrontation with someone, watch the HANDS. They telegraph motive better than looking someone in the eye.
6.Homeless people smell funny because they're homeless... they can't help it what with the plumbing shortfalls associated with being homeless.
7.If it's worthwhile it is either a pain in the ass or emotionally draining, depending on the situation.
8.If you drink alot and then smoke dope you will fall asleep at the corner of 6th and brazos while waiting for a cab while your friends wonder where you went.
9.Or throw up on your friends. (8 and 9 are third person accounts I have observed and not actually experienced).
10. The drunker you are, the better we sound. This goes for us as a band, and for shows I have been to...crowd wise, this appears to be the norm... so... go on LATE to make the best impression.

OK...that's enough...for now.

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