It doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's palpable.You can cut it with a knife,that is unless I cut you first.
I'm generally pretty well balanced, on the surface anyway. But once in a blue moon I turn into that guy that probably had something to do with the cats disappearing in the neighborhood but you can't prove it. A foul FOUL mood. And it's always connected to something, never random.
Tonight it was cartoons. My cartoons. Preserved in a binder in plastic sleeves. The originals. And I can't find them. I know they're here somewhere, but they elude me.
Initially I wanted them to scan and post here, but after a fruitless search it became an issue on the par of a search for the holy fucking grail. I drew these in the mid 80's during the hey-day of punk rock in Austin, to me they have value and I can't find them... and it pisses me off.

And then it occurred to me, the roll off dumpster is being delivered tomorrow morning for the demolition phase of our remodel. As we purge our house of the unbelievable mountains of clutter and useless shit the cartoons will show up.
And then,as quickly as it came upon me, it was gone...I was back to my old self.
I don't appreciate bad tempers, especially my own.
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