Yesterday I learned (or rather, confirmed) some things about Irene.
1. She doesn't like being snuck up on, a guy came up to the fence behind her and started talking in a loud voice and she went off, good thing the fence was there.
2. She's partial to male interaction, we did an exercise where the dog is sitting by your side and a stranger approaches,shakes your hand etc. and your dog is suppose to sit and behave. She did alright with this overall, but snapped at the female trainer on the initial pass.
3. She's very visually oriented, which apparently is not a trait common to terriers.
4. She has a good memory, when she saw the yellow lab from last week she was ready to fight.
5. I'm having more trouble with leash walking than she is. I need to loosen up.
All in all, it was a good day. She has the "sit" down, not mastered yet, but close.
She loves treats, but I forgot them, so most of her reinforcement today was pets and praise, she didn't seem to mind and did as well without treats as she did with them.
I spent the afternoon making copies of our live CD for some friends (poor bastards) and gave each one a unique label. We do this for our CD's, back in the stone age we did the same thing for cassettes, but they were hand drawn. gotta love technology. Here's a couple of examples:

Off to brunch to distribute the "gift" of "music" (poor bastards)
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