Wednesday, March 10, 2004

A bit o' blogging
I'm home at a decent hour tonight because they chased me out of the office today at 5:00 pm with a "It's not that we don't like you, but GO HOME; you've been here ten hours!" Rob and I met at Maudies after work for dinner and drinks. We ended up skipping the dinner part because we both had a late lunch and just couldn't work up an appetite, but we had a nice couple of hours of conversation. Rob pointed out that I'm doing with this job what I do with every job and that's to try and learn everything I can in the shortest amount of time while I try to do the best job I can possibly do and if it means going way above and beyond the "call of duty", then so be it. It's just the way I'm wired and I can't seem to work any other way. But I just realized tonight that everyone else that works with me is the same way. This is so cool. I think the square peg that I am might have finally found the square hole.

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