Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Pushing the envelope of chaos
I really should be taking things off the kitchen shelves right now since the kitchen destruction crew is arriving at 9:00 am, but there's no readily available place to put it so I think I will have a cup of coffee instead and ponder the situation. As I've mentioned before, we have a small house and it's chock-full of "stuff". The next few weeks will be a weird version of musical chairs as we shuffle boxes and furniture from room to room. I managed to clean out the back bedroom this weekend so they can do painting and flooring in there which will get one room "finished" so we have a place to move "stuff" from the other rooms. I thought I had a workable plan, but I forgot about all the "stuff" on the kitchen shelves, the "stuff" in the dining room cabinet that's being torn out, the "stuff" in the bathroom cabinets and the "stuff" in the linen closet. Where am I going to put that? It seems that Rob and I both had this vague idea that it would all just go in the dumpster, but a perfectly good microwave? Hair dryer and clippers? There's bound to be one more corner I can stick that in, I just need to find it. One good thing, or bad thing depending on your perspective, is that the washing machine decided to die yesterday morning on the first good day for laundry that we've had in weeks. That pretty much solves the dilemma of where to put the washer during the remodel. Into the dumpster it goes and all the dirty laundry is now riding around in the trunk of my car waiting for me to find the time to get to a laundromat. I have no idea where I'll put the clean clothes once they are washed and dried, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. And then there's the issue of where to put the dogs during the day while the crew is smashing up our house. Current plan is for Irene to go to work with Rob, Sullivan will go to work with me and Theo will stay home in one of the rooms they are not working on that day where he will, no doubt, bark the entire time and drive them crazy. I tell ya, it's nothing but fun times ahead.

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