Sunday, January 11, 2004

Useless information in my head
This afternoon while on the way to Maudies restaurant we heard in interview on NPR with Richard Pollak who traveled aboard a cargo ship and then wrote a book about his experience. He mentioned Malcolm McLean, the man that revolutionized the shipping industry with cargo containers, as well as the subsequent loss of longshoremen jobs that resulted and I looked at Rob and said "I already know all of this because there was a strike on the West Coast a while back and... hell, how DO I already know all of this?" Well, it turns out the strike involved technological innovations and since IT was involved I must have picked up a link from somewhere and found it interesting enough to do a bit of research and the internet makes that so very easy to do at times. But I have to wonder why my brain decides to retain this kind of information, but discards other more important stuff. Is it simply because the filing system in my head is just as disorganized as the filing system in my office? And if I organized the filing system in my office would it help the filing system in my head?

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