Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I was reading the blogs I read today and was touched by the latest post at BILLYSWORLD...seems that Bill's having a hard time these days. I wanted to comment,but his comments are turned off...a clear enough message.
BUT...being the person I am, I couldn't pass on the chance to pass on my words of wisdom.
And here they are: hang in there.
That's it.
What was written in that post resonated for me...we have a lot in common apparently,close to the same age (I'm a bit older-44),similar upbringing...free from molestation of any kind that wer'e aware of...I was a punk too:) ,of the american variety...more a Black Flag kind of punk than a sex pistols punk,but I think the cred crossed any boundary...a punk is a punk. Half my family is from Ingerland to boot.
I worked with children as well...for almost 20 years...but it was in treatment centers.
My job was to put them back together and keep them safe...I was good at what I did (this statement always reminds me of gang of four) and,after a regime change,I was forced out because the new boss couldn't see past my appearance...and there I was,unemployed,burnt out and single skilled...what the fuck was I gonna do now?
What CAN I do besides what I've been doing for the last 20 years?
Both of my parents were gone...so I couldn't go to them for guidance...that was probably the worst thing,the people who I had frequently taken for granted much of my life yet had always been there for me were gone...I was on my own.
Or so I thought...turns out they were still with me,I could imagine what they would of said...my value system had,after all, come from them.I still long to call them up and talk in real time...but I can remember them and what they were about...and that is a comfort to me.
After stumbling through a few bad fit jobs I found my footing and do something for a living I never dreamed of doing back when I was a lifer in the psych field.I miss those days,to be sure,but now it's a good miss and my biggest problem is sorting it all out for myself...those were crazy times and I would like to understand them.But the passing of time has blurred the memories or I have buried the ones too painful to recall.
When my mom told me to ruck up when she was alive, I did...and even now that she's been gone 12 years,I can still hear her telling me to ruck up...and I do,everytime.
Nobody else has permission to tell me that...except for Ann.

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