Monday, January 19, 2004

I cannot wait for the state of the address by sir bunnypants tomorrow.
What's in store? Lot's of distortions about his accomplishments and a heapin' helpin' of horse shit initiatives...lets review:
The marriage thing:really,when you get right down to it, it's 1.5 billion aimed at undermining the gay/lesbian members of our "society" and the gains they have struggled to make (this earns him 500 fuck yous)
The moon/mars nonsense: just a diversion,plain and simple.A lame assed attempt to refocus the public on how great we are...kind of like putting foundation on that red,oozing herpe sore on your face...everyone knows it's there,but we'll pretend it isn't. (1000 fuck yous)
The immigrant amnesty: If you want to blow fox,go ahead and blow him...please.(1500 fuck yous)
Winning the war on terror: You don't have a fucking clue, 500 + dead and gone after you declared "mission accomplished"...they brought it on and you are confirmed an asshole. (150,000 fuck yous)
Afghanistan: Who??? (get your war on) (300,000 fuck yous)
The erosion of our civil rights...don't need to elaborate (more fuck yous than I can count)...but this is something you'll couch in phrases designed to make us feel safe.
Fuck feelings! We aren't safe,and no matter how much smoke you blow won't change that fact.
A divided democratic party: Your bullshit and spin is working on them...and their sniping and derision will work for you just like you planned it. (still can't count that high).
A long time ago, a band called Flux of Pink Indians cried to the world,"they lie,we die" and sang " to blow this world up ten times is better than to blow it up once"...they were talking about britain, little did they know....
This is what needs to be happening:
Get out of Iraq et al...and soon.
Leave the middle east to the middle east...if they want to destroy each other,let 'em,we can always go in and mop up when they're done.Until then,it's really none of our business.
If they fuck with us,we fuck back,but not until.
Focus on US...remember US? Were hurting here.
Make amends with all the countries we've alienated...
Purge the government of the staph infection that is the republican party...starting with GW Bush (and please bunnypants...don't come back to texas)
Wow! That felt good...too bad I'm probably just pissin' in the wind....

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