If it could go wrong today,it did.Not horribly wrong,just enough to tweak you out. My son is going to school and working (mostly graveyard shifts recently) and in a gallant effort to coordinate our day of tattooing,decided he would come to our house after work and nap here until it was time to go see Andreas...to insure he wouldn't fall asleep at his place and be late/miss our appointment.Guess what?He got off early and decided to go to his place for a short nap...when he wasn't here by 10,I called and woke him up,he said he was getting ready and would see me here at 11:30,at 11:45 I called and woke him up again...I headed on over to andreas' and told my son to go to a specific intersection near the place ,call my cell, and I would direct him from there.
So,by 12:45,we're all in the same spot,and the drawing / stencil making process begins.
Wait...let's back up...when I arrived,I walked up to the door and knocked and suddenly heard a very menacing bark/growl behind me...through the bush I could see a very large Dog...Boxer?Pit Bull? Couldn't tell...but I could tell he was mean,he didn't like me,and Andreas wasn't coming to the door.As my fear rapidly rose (Just stand still was on endless replay in my head) and the dog advanced,I ran the checklist....no gun,no knife,no stick,no rocks,too far away to make a break for the car,I'm done for,I hope he has his vaccinations...please for gods sake,answer the door before it's too late!
I got in before I got attacked...Andreas explained:"That's the dog from across the street...Problems...almost killed his hosts pet awhile back...not a nice dog."
This day,so far,was not going at all as I had planned.It was a Boxer,by the way.
I get to go first, mostly because my son had been cautioned about tattoos on the lower back being more painful than the one he got on the middle of his back last year,and was freaking himself out about it.Anyway,I was done and after clean-up and reset-up,it was his turn.
Now,when getting a tattoo it's imperative that you don't twitch around like a chihuahua.Kyle was having some trouble with this initially,but managed to deal with it.
I went outside (back yard) to have a smoke and call the bank to check on the loan I was supposed to close tomorrow or friday.Or so I thought.
I was informed by the bank that they had discovered a lien on my house for 22,000 DOLLARS!!!!!WHAT??????!!!!!!!It was from 1977!!!!I was in high school in '77!!!
I have never applied for a home loan in my life,and back on Dec.11th,they made it sound like it would be easy...PAF!Instead of "loan closing" it should be called "your own personalized inquisition"(Murphy has been tailing me on this from the get go).
Oh...in all the excitement I forgot to mention that my credit union called me this morning to inform me my Visa bank card had been "compromised" and they had to cancel it...explaining why my card would not work yesterday.They couldn't explain exactly how it had gotten compromised...figures.I like simple succinct explanations about stuff like this,it makes me feel like whoever I'm dealing with has their shit all in one sock and the holes have been darned...Not so in this case,and unfortunately,not so in the case of the above mentioned loan.
If this clusters*CZ of mine is any indication of how the rest of the business world operates,it truly is a wonder we can make fire.
Back to the tattoos...We got done,they look great.Here's a picture of mine...I didn't get a picture of Kyles because I had left the camera in the car and was afraid to go get it because of that damn dog.....

Kyle's white rabbit looks great...the head is fashioned after Frank in Donnie Darko...very creepy.I'll post a pic this weekend most likely.
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