Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Celebration Station... if you look closely...
I have a reputation for being quite staid. In fact, my ex-husband lamented constantly about my lack of rambunctious emotional display and figured that meant that I didn't REALLY get excited or angry or upset or about anything. Despite outward appearances, my emotions soar to great heights as well as great lows at times just like most other humans and I had the great fortune the second time around to marry a man who can read me better. Hell, sometimes Rob can read me better than I can read myself and he's a great person for me to go to and say, "I'm feeling weird, and I can't figure it out so what do you think might be going on?" and get an insightful answer. Anyway, as Rob said earlier, "the worm has turned" (what is that from? Oh... Rob says the movie "Platoon") and I'm figuratively, but not literally, dancing on the rooftops right now. I may not be outwardly tapping my heels on the shingles, but Rob knows how I feel and that is a cool thing, a very cool thing indeed. More about the new job later, I'm still on my cloud...

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