Thursday, November 01, 2007

I'm doing the NabloPomo thing this month,a post for each and every day in November,which ends on the 30th day,which happens to be my birthday.Expect an especially fiery post on the 30th,or maybe just a drunken one...that's 29 days from now fer cryin' out loud.Oh,and there will be no theme beyond what I usually blather on and on about,unless the county sues us...and then...


In todays safety meeting "courtesy" was the subject.I'd like to point out that now the meetings are begun in Spanish with the English translation following...this being the united states and all,you'd think it would be the other way around.But we are outnumbered ten to one on this job,come to think of it,that should be the other way around as well.But I digress.
After the first volley of Spanish,the English translation began,and there was so much chatter from the non-english speakers we "minorities" couldn't hear a word.Safety guy # 1 spun around and addressed them in a tone that I would describe as chilling and after that they said nothing for the rest of the 25 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
Another highlight regarded language,safety guy # 2 and the translator was addressing profanity and said "I'm not trying to be racist,but you white guys know all the bad Spanish words too-so lets watch it".
And he wasn't being racist...he's a nice guy,it was just awkward.
So, to recap...No bad words,no horse play and be respectful of one another.
After the meeting,a couple of our crews were trying to exit the elevator as "guest workers" were crowding on with tools and ladders before we could get out.
So much for courtesy.
I live for the safety meeting!

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