Sunday, November 11, 2007


The economy.Is tanking.Despite what the BushCo mouthpieces are spewing forth about growth.Oil is creeping to 100.00usd a barrel,gas prices here are just shy of 3.00usd a gallon.I was talking to one of the plumbers at my job the other day and he said it cost him 92.00usd to fill up his old beater chevy pick up.This is insane,and dovetails neatly into the criminality of Bushco,it's stranglehold on oil in Iraq and it's penchant for rewarding rich,large corporations primarily involved in oil and the processes of war.At the financial peril of ordinary American citizens and the lives of the citizenry of Iraq and our forces fighting for their "freedom" and our "safety".
The job market is flooded with "guest workers" willing to work for less in a variety of service industries including construction,landscaping and domestic work.
Mortgage foreclosures,for a variety of reasons, are increasingly on the rise...leaving many families floundering,and,like my family are a paycheck or a crisis away from disaster.Insurance companies have put a fucking on the populace like you wouldn't believe.Food costs continue to rise,forcing people to cut the budget and buy things that are not so healthy,which,over the long term creates more health problems and more excuses for insurance companies to fuck us over.It's all connected.
Add all of these things together and then go flush your toilet.See that funnel going down the drain?That is the US economy.
And the economic debacle that will sink us?The "war on terror".Imagine pawning everything you own of value thinking you can get it back,then try to get it back.
Interest compounded daily,penalties,service fees and premiums slowly choking the life out of you,finally calling in a debt you could never possibly pay on demand and ruining you in the process.That's what BushCo is doing to us with this "war",all the while singing about blue skies.
I know this is an external locus of control view,but it's the impact on the internal locus of control that concerns me,and I have an increasing slipping grasp on control of my own destiny because of it.
Next...Part Three:Society in ruins.

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