Thursday, November 08, 2007


Late last week a co worker called me to tell me they were doing on site drug testing and it was Kyle and I's turn in the barrel and that "they" were waiting for us down stairs.Now this is the same guy that told me I had a flat at a job last winter,and is known for fucking with people,hard.
I told him that we would go check it out,but if no one was waiting for us he would most definitely have a flat.If they really were doing on site drug testing,the foreman would have called me anyway,so I was almost certain he was full of shit.I was right.Now keep in mind a trip down stairs in the tower of evil takes a minimum of 20 minutes.Some payback was in order.
He has this cap with a stars and bars logo on it that someone keeps hiding from him.We took it...home.
He accused everyone but me because I generally don't play like that,but he deserved it,and I raised the stakes by leaving a ransom note,which read:
If you ever want to see your hat alive again,you must agree to do 30 duckwalks and stop calling XXX a scorpion.If you do not agree to these demands we will shit in your hat and feed it to XXX (his dog...which is like his child).We mean it!
He refused to read it,so it was read to him by several members of the crew,much to the crew's delight.
Later in the day,we hung the hat from some pipe near the ceiling,that was on Friday.
On Tuesday of this week,the hat was back in it's usual spot and we had the following exchange:
Me:"XXX!I see you found your hat".
XXX:" just fucking appeared there".(He was clearly not pleased)
Another crew member to me:"I took it down,I felt sorry for XXX what with everyone picking on him".
Me to XXX:"Yeah...those piss tests are a bitch,huh"?
And then the cat was out of the bag.
I know somethings coming my way,I just don't know what or when.
I'm sure (hope) it will be hilarious.
Good crew,most definitely.

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