Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Things have been lean around here lately, and we humans aren't the only ones to suffer the consequences. Our extended family is an odd one, we don't have kids...well, we do, but they are manifested in the guise of dogs...3 of them, black, thank you very much, offering as much dysfunction and unpredictability as any human child could offer. There is a human child, he is mine and currently 19...he does not live with us, but at one time did. We love him dearly, but do not miss his particular brand of dysfunction and unpredictability when he did. He's much better now, I can assure you, and as testimony I offer the simple fact that he is still alive. ( Love ya Kyle!:P).
Our live in family is rounded out by a platoon of turtles...currently numbering 20...this may seem like alot of turtles, but at one time we were approaching 50...some were local injured turts, rehabbed and released...some were adopted out and some died, from their injuries/illnesses, some from old age and 2, sadly,killed by rodentia . All of the turtles here have been rescues save 4...exotics that I bought.
And the icing on the cake is Sid, our horribly tempered blue tongued skink...he's an ass, but we love him all the same.
Keeping up with this number of critters is not cheap, and we have cut corners on the human needs to meet the needs of our canine and reptilian friends.
But since Ann has a job now, we have been able to resume "the giving of the cheese" for our three black doggies...cheese is dog crack, make no mistake about it, and the power of said cheese is evident in the doggy reaction to the production of that plastic wrapped sleeve of yellowish joy.
Visceral it is, that reaction...drooling, hopping and a glazed over affect...they will do anything for the magic contained in a slice of cheese.
The boys spring boners over the cheese and I always think "The cheese council needs to produce commercials with dogs getting boners over cheese...fuck that little red headed girl".
Needless to say, the sheets of joy have returned, and the dogs are thrilled.

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