Monday, November 08, 2004


Because our breaks are limited during the day, it's not possible to actually go somewhere and sit down and eat a meal. 15 min. in the morning, 30 min. for lunch and another 15 min. in the afternoon.So,here's the break down.

Morning break: drive north down the drag to the Tetco station at 29th st. ( right next to Taco shack ) buy a coke and two one dollar scratch through taco shack for a carne guisada taco. Scratch tickets, eat taco. If theres a big winner ( I won 50.00 about a month ago), stop at the 7-11 midway to our job site to cash it in. This makes for hilarious morning banter like, "whadidja win"? and "this shit is rigged, I'm tellin' ya"...throw loser tickets behind the seat of the work truck in disgust proclaiming " I need a new game"...smoke as many cigarettes as you can in 15 minutes and go back to work.

Lunch: drive back to the Tetco, buy a coke and a .50 cent bag of spicy peanuts, cash in winning tickets ( if you have a 1.00 ticket that won 4.00, trade it for 4 1.00 tickets ) if not, buy 2 1.00 tickets and try again. After the near crack like experience of scratching the tickets, one of us say's "now what"? After all, we still have 15 to 20 minutes to kill...if there are any winning tickets, we drive back down the drag and trade them at the 7-11 at MLK Blvd. for more tickets, which we feverishly scratch while chain smoking, and listening to paul harvey read stuff he downloaded from Fark.

Afternoon break: Walk across the street from job site to the convenience store for a drink...usually a coke, or sometimes water. Look at scratch tickets on display at the in any winners from lunch, or if not, resist temptation as your eyes glaze over...fuck it! You say " I can't win if I don't play" and buy another 1.00 ticket, that's sure to be a winner. It isn't, because the tickets at that store suck...or, you win a 1.00 and at least your even.Sit on the tailgate and smoke.

Yes sir...High rollers indeed :)

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