Thursday, November 04, 2004


The election results were not contested. It wasn't ugly, it wasn't a shame. I stand corrected. Suburban Blight praised him for bowing out like a gentleman, and , upon reflection, I agree. Bunnypants won the election , but I won't go so far as to say "fair and square". You (myself included) can jump up and down and blame it on the corrupt GOP and this nation of idiots that re-elected him, but it's just not that simple.
I am not a republican by any stretch of the imagination, I'm not really a democrat either. I'm more libertarian if I have to label myself...with anarchistic tendencies. Radical libertarian anarchist if you will.
I despise the republican party with every fiber of my being and some of your fiber too, if it were'nt for the old cronies surrounding Bush and propping him up, my dog Theo would do a better job of president (and he has dysplasia and no clue about the world beyond this house and back yard, but he can do tricks and follow basic commands).
( Stoned guy with a skink on his head takes over the keyboard)
Dude! What happened?!?! I was so stoked that Kerry was gonna win. It reminds me of the time me and my bro JoJo ran for student council in high school. We were like the freak party up against the jock party...JoJo's sister was a badass artist and did these cool posters of us with our long flowing hair and badass feather earrings. Our fellow freaks backed us up the whole time until it was time to vote and then they let us down. If I remember ( and I've smoked about a bale of kind bud since high fucking, that's alot!) Anyway, I think we got like 38 votes out of almost a 1000. Looking back, I think I know what happened. If I had had a skink on my head, we would of fucking won in a landslide...or maybe if we had focused on what was important to the jocks and rednecks instead of expanding the smoking area and lowering the off campus lunch pass to sophomore year ( so we could tag our girlfriends...god...sophomore chicks rocked! ) because it wasn't equitable to the lower classes, we could have won. But the real reason was...lemme see if I can remember what my high school counselor're flitting around the said that but that wasn't it, uhhh...oh yeah! The majority wasn't interested in your agenda and didn't understand where you were coming from because what you were espousing wasn't relevant and didn't resonate with the majority . You smoke too much weed, too (wait!that was another session).
Anyway man, I think Kerry lost because he didn't resinate the people...I mean resonate with the people. There are good parties and bad parties, and Kerry's party was definitely lame-o dude.
Me and the skink are out...later's man!

Thanks dude...whew! That commentary made me dizzy. I think I get his point though.

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