Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Blue Witch had a link to a website featuring folks with hand written signs apologising to the rest of the world for the re-election of bunnypants and co. I went and looked at the site, when I got to the image of the girl from Travis County, I stopped. She was pleading with ??? to not bomb Travis County- jesus christ on a crutch! Who the fuck is gonna bomb Travis County in response to the re-election of Bunnypants? Except maybe Bunnypants hisownself,since Kerry took Travis County...seat of the capitol of Texas. That image, plus the dozen or so others of earnest looking, misty eyed retards I looked at with their crybaby signs got my blood to a simmer. When I saw the giant billboard on the drag yesterday advertising this hall of shame, it put me over the top.
Trying to be fair...I thought to myself, "self, they're just trying to make a point". Ultimately, I decided that there was a better way to get the point across without underlining what a bunch of gutless, spineless, apologetic weinertards the democratic party has become.
Here it is.
There ya go...simple and to the point. Am I sorry he got re-elected? Yes, most definitely. Do I feel the need to aplogise to the rest of the world because of a stacked deck in this country that made it possible? Hell no.
Democrats need to hunker down for another 4 years of hell, and when the next election rolls around come out swinging with both hands and mean it. And for gods sake, stop encouraging Hillary...if you think we took an asswhooping this time around, put her on the ticket and see what happens. It's not that I think a woman can' t or shouldn't be president, just look at what's in office now and imagine campaign 2008.

PS: This is post #666...no kidding...

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