Monday, November 01, 2004

Checking In
I started the new job today. I'm in training this week and today was mostly paperwork and an introduction to the call tracking system. There was plenty of blog fodder, but I'm way too tired to do anything with it. The training didn't wear me out by any means, but I got very little sleep last night which has me feeling a bit ragged. Some of it was new job nerves, some of it was worrying about my dad and a good part of it was the dogs barking at stuff during the night thanks to the Halloween activity during the early evening and the thunderstorms that blew in around midnight which set them on edge. I don't think I got any decent sleep until around three in the morning. The hardest part about work today was wondering about my dad who was having a procedure done on his heart while I was in training with my cell phone turned off. Fortunately when I got out of training, the news was good. All the same, the worry of these last few weeks has really taken it's toll so I'm off to bed now with the hope that I will finally SLEEP!

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