Sunday, November 14, 2004


There's a war going on in this country against "them homo's"...and in our own corner of the united states of simple minded pious asswipes, the charge on the educational level anyway, seems to be headed up by state board of education member Terri Leo (R-latent? Spring, Tx.), who has managed to get textbook publishers Glenco/McGraw Hill and locals Holt, Rinehart and Winston to change passages in health textbooks to specifically state that marriage and partnerships involve a union of a man and a woman exclusively. Bravo! (not) and if you think that's bad, check out this passage that the publishers passed on: "Opinions vary on why homosexuals,lesbians and bi-sexuals as a group (?) are more prone to self destructive behaviors like depression, illegal drug use and suicide".
Now...let's examine this a bit further, homosexuals and lesbians can be a "group" considering homosexual and lesbian both indicate a preference for same sex proclivity. Bi-sexual indicates a taste for both sexes...hence, a group unto themselves but able to relate to the aforementioned "group" of homos and lesbos because they like eating pussy and sucking dick equally. I won't comment on the endless permutations of bisexuality because it makes me dizzy. Moving forward, I always thought depression was a disease, and I'll admit it can lead to destructive behavior, it is in and of itself not a behavior. Lets assume by "illegal drug use" Leo means substance abuse, this is a destructive behavior, but it is usually triggered by a disease, like depression. Suicide is most definitely a behavior, a really ugly one, that leads to death for the practicioner and unresolved grief for the victims.Homo or not.
Which leads me to the question, are these "self destructive behaviors" a bastion of the homosexual community? I did a bit of research and discovered at the national institute for mental health that 73% of suicides were done by white males...and with a gun, not a penis in their mouths, which is to say that most people that opt for the dirt nap are male, and white, and overwhelmingly with a gun. The rest of the sites I visited in my whirlwind 30 minute research session ( probably 15 minutes more than most researching this subject) found many sites disputing or dispelling the gay suicide issue as a front to further their homosexual, who the fuck knows really?
I can tell you that if I was gay in this country right now I would be depressed and drinking alot...Hell, I'm not even gay and I am depressed and I am drinking alot. So go figure.
I can tell you this without question, In my previous line of work, I had the opportunity to work with many gay men and women, and while a small portion of them had no business in the field, the vast majority of my gay peers were the most professional dedicated people I worked with. The percentage of "straight" people that had no business in the field surpassed the gay numbers because of these factors: Pedophilia, drugs and gang affiliation. I shit you not. What better recruiting ground than unstable, impressionable youth? The "homos" I worked with werer trying to help, while the members on "my team" were making money selling drugs, or fucking 13 year olds, or recruiting gang members.
It seems to me that we are equally dangerous.
It seems to me that we are the same, despite our genital preference...our sex lives do not complete the picture...our actions do.
You faggots are alright with me.

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