Sunday, November 21, 2004

The sugar made me do it
I turned into a snarky, irrational bitch yesterday when I didn't get my lunch break at the the usual 11 o'clock hour and had to wait until 1 PM. It's a miracle I didn't kill any innocent bystanders on my way to get something to eat and it took an extreme amount of self-control not to rip the head off of the unsupervised child that visited my table at Jack-n-the-Box and stared at me while I devoured my Jumbo Jack combo. I was still in a very bad mood over 12 hours later when I woke up today, but I had regained enough sanity to figure out what happened. I've been drinking soft drinks at work and eating candy bars. I've consumed more processed sugar in the past two weeks than I usually eat in an entire year. I don't even LIKE soft drinks and candy bars, but I was hungry or thirsty at the time and since that's what they have in the vending machines at work, that's what I consumed. Big mistake. Some people shouldn't consume large quantities of sugar and I'm one of them. If the army wanted to develop a bunch of homicidal maniac killing machines, they only need to round up people like me, feed them a diet high in processed sugar for a couple of weeks, then have them miss a meal. Presto - one pissed off, crazy person that would like nothing more than to rip out the enemy's throat with their bare hands. Then again, they are also likely to rip out the throat of their commanding officer so it's probably not be the best idea. Today I brought plenty of sparkling water and a packet of cheese and finally, 24 hours later, I'm back to my normal mood. I hope I wasn't rude to any customers at work yesterday and this morning, but if I was... well, the sugar made me do it!

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