Tuesday, November 23, 2004


The suspect says the hunters shot at him first while he was trying to leave. I had the feeling there was more to this story.
The suspect is a Hmong tribesman from Laos, even though he's been here for more than 20 years and a US army veteran. Back during the Viet Nam War, the Hmong were valued by american special forces who "weren't really in Laos" for their superior skills in sneaking around the jungle and tracking and fighting, and well, the Hmong were apparently some badasses.
And there's a whole shitload of them in St. Paul...the largest concentration in the country, which is near where this tragedy occurred. But you can read that yourself by clicking on the link.
I wonder why, as described in the article, the entire hunting party felt the need to jump on their 4 wheelers and go confront this guy? There was only one gun amongst them apparently, why?
Here's a scenario...Vang is discovered in the deer stand by a couple of the hunting group...one grabs his nextal and beepbeep!" Hey there's one of them Hmong fuckers in our deer stand". The recipient of said message rally's the remaining hunters to the scene, because, after all," he's a Hmong fucker, you know, one of the 24,000 currently taking over the bioscience industry in our area" (I don't know if this is actually the case, but bioscience was listed at the St.Paul area chamber of commerce website, so the Hmongs are taking it over, much like the Vietnamese "took over" commercial fishing along the coast of Texas in the early 80's...which, BTW, really riled up the locals, even though it wasn't true). They were just better fisherman...anyway, back to the scenario...
Vang finds himself surrounded by angry locals...some of which may or may not be victims of the Hmong takeover of the areas bioscience industry...As he is leaving the scene...the one person with a gun takes a pot shot...Vang's deeply seated Hmong badass-ness rushes to the surface and in fear for his life he turns ands lights them up with his SKS assault rifle . Next question: What the fuck is he doing with an SKS? And what kind is it? Most SKS rifles have a fixed clip with 5 or 10 rounds, if his was one of those, based on reports, he would have had to reload at least once. But if it was a chinese made SKS, some of those are modified and can accept large capacity clips...30, 40 rounds or even a drum that holds upwards to 75 rounds. I don't know about the deer in Wisconsin, maybe they carry weapons, but you don't need 30 rounds to kill one here in Texas.
Victim #6 died today, leaving 2 survivors. I'm sure the people mourning the end of the Scott Peterson trial are stoked!

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