Monday, November 15, 2004


From the monday Statesman:

the grandfather, was baby-sitting the child and three other grandchildren when the gun went off in Glass' bedroom, Bridges said.

"The grandfather was in the kitchen, heard the gun discharge, went and found the 2-year-old next to the weapon laying on the floor," Bridges said.

It was not clear Sunday who owned the gun or how it had been stored.

It was a .38, thank god, or we may have been reading an obit instead of a story with a happy ending. Or will it have a happy ending? So lets sum up the facts as we know them:

Grandpa is watching four of his grandchildren...the 2 year old goes into grandpa's room, finds a gun and tries to shoot himself in the head.
Those are the facts...which begs the questions:
How old is grandpa? Some grandpas are my age, and should be able to handle 4 little kids...well, maybe not. What was the 2 year old doing in grandpa's room? When I was growing up, my parents bedroom was off limits unless I was invited or supervised. Where was the gun? I'm guessing it wasn't out in plain sight...if it was, he's a dumbass. Since this occurred in Hays county, he will more than likely be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and rot away in prison...unless he's affluent and white, in which case the toddler will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and see light of day when he's 21, if he lives that long.
This is a serious exaggeration of the judicial system in Hays county...well, it's an exaggeration, let's leave it at that...oh, one more thing, don't get pulled over in Hays county...ever. seriously.
Anyhoo...back to the matter at hand. Gun control. There are many who will site this event as another reason to remove guns from the citizenry...they will be the same people calling for grandpa's head, because, after all...he had a GUN...a gun that was putting out such strong gun vibes that his 2 year old grandson was drawn to his bedroom and attempted to shoot himself in the head.
My father was a weapons and munitions guy in the service...he was into guns. We had guns in my house all the time. They were in my parents bedroom. I was not allowed in that room unsupervised...ever. When I was old enough...8 or 9 I think, I was taught about guns and how to resist the gun vibe (kidding here), seriously though, my dad taught me the power of guns and the responsibility connected to owning them. I was unable to grasp this concept at 2 years old admittedly, but I knew that the bedroom was off limits. And throughout my life my house was bristling with firepower with nary an accident. Lucky? Maybe. Responsible? Most definitely.
I hope they don't jam grandpa up for this, but if it turns out he was irresponsible with his gun (s) , take them away.From him.

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