Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The student drivers are back - eeeiiii!
Rob is currently working on a job at the University of Texas. We carpool these days and I pick him up at 4:00 pm. I usually get there a few minutes early and park by the back door. Today I must have accidentally driven through a wormhole because I somehow arrived 20 minutes early. The place that I usually park for the 5 minutes it takes him to get to the car is actually in a no-parking zone. It's also in full sun and there was no way I was going to sit there 20 minutes with the engine running just so I could have air conditioning. I decided to drive a few blocks over in the adjoining neighborhood and see if I could find a shady spot to park for the next 15 minutes. Well, in the course of driving a mere four square blocks, I managed to have four near-accidents. One kid turned left from a side street right in front of me, another completely ran a stop sign, the third veered over to my side of the road for no apparent reason. I started to wonder if my trip through the wormhole had also activated a cloaking device, but the last kid almost ran into the back of me when I stopped at a stop sign so apparently my vehicle was at least partially visible. I think next time I'll just stay in the no-parking zone and waste gasoline - it's bound to be cheaper in the long run!

[Listening to: Tomorrow - Wall Of Voodoo - Call Of The West]

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