Saturday, September 25, 2004


Three of four crews spent this week installing new exterior lighting in the vendor/parking area inside the north end of the stadium. It was hot, it reeked of bat shit. There were all kinds of twists and turns as far as running the conduit. For one section, the journeyman and I switched places, so, with tape measure in hand, I planned the run and installed it. Offsets,kicks,90's...a junction box here-an elbow there. It worked out quite well. I spent the rest of the time bending from his measurements and pulling wire, the usual grunt stuff. Only this time my brain didn't instantly lock up when I would be instructed: I need a 4 1/2 " off set, 56 1/4" long with a 9" 90. But transferring the numbers to an image in my head and translating it to 3/4" metal conduit made my brain hurt. I swear I smelt my synapses,wait...that's bat shit intermingled with the smell of popcorn.

[Listening to: Overt Enemy - Slayer - Diabolus in Musica (4:41)]

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