Tuesday, September 07, 2004

FLUX (N) V.2

It's demolition time...wrecking out lights...recessed lighting that has been in place for probably 20 years. 56 lights. I wrecked out 35 today. Up and down the ladder at least 3 times per fixture, kliens in hand, cutting
spring wires, cutting conduit, pulling down fixtures trying to avoid the razor sharp cut ends of the aforementioned conduit. In a word, tedium. In another, paycheck.
The toll at the end of the day: nicks and cuts on thumb from high velocity spring wires: 3, First serious conversation with my journeyman about my reservations/apprehension about what I (we) are doing and the colossal waste of my many years and skills as a manager..."tell me about it" he says. He is used to managing 30 plus hands on big projects, he knows where I'm coming from.
In fact, we have, through our superficial banter over the month or so, composed a song that aptly describes our current plight.
I'm a maintenance man
A UT maintenance man
Savin' up my money
Gonna buy me a mini van
Gonna sign up for the new flex plan
I'm a maintenance man....
That's all we got so far...he thinks using Glen Campbell's "lineman from the county" is a good melody...I agree.
I have been reminding myself of King's line from Platoon:
"Keep your pecker hard and your powder dry, and the world will surely turn".
One can hope.

[Listening to: London Calling - The Clash - London Calling (3:23)]

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