Monday, May 31, 2004


Best wishes and thank you to all of you folks in Iraq and Afghanistan, risking life and limb.
May it pass quickly and see you home and safe.
Thanks to all the guys from WWII, mine and Ann's dad personally...Ann's dad got 2 ships sunk out from underneath him in battle and one badly damaged, I'm still not sure what exactly my dad did, but it was all secretive and shadowy.
Thanks to all you Korean war vets...and Viet Nam vets...
I have a friend who served in the Nam, and his honors (and everyone elses) were way past
due. He ditched his uniform at the airport because of the shit he was getting and when he got home and tried to talk about his experiences, he was shunned.When I lived in Colorado, he would never talk about Nam, and even told me once I could ask all I wanted about the army, but he wouldn't discuss the war. On subsequent visits many years later, he did, and I understood why he had been hesitant.For him and the others coming home from that terrible place was a prolonged homecoming, in addition to being traumatized by war, they were victimized here for participating in the first place...for them I hold a special place in my heart.
Memorial day...memories of heros...hold the memories close in honor of those who served.

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