My friends and family are starting to complain. No emails, no phones calls, no blog entries. What's up? Well, remodel hell for one thing. The remodel has resulted in the demise of our two desktop computers, leaving only the laptop to be shared between the two of us. The construction crew leaves around 6:30 or 7:00pm and at that time we are either out eating dinner somewhere or struggling to cook a dinner with no kitchen or pots/pans/silverware/plates/etc. After dinner it's time to find something to serve as a flat surface and hook up the laptop. This gives me a one to two hour window of time to get on the computer (time shared with Rob), but because we are back to dialup (we dropped the DSL for now because we have no internal jack, just the "test" jack on the outside of the house)it takes all of my computer time just to download the 600 pieces of daily spam email and/or do the "Windows Update" bullshit. And, quite frankly, any blogging I would have done would have been a bunch of whining either about the inconvenience of the remodel or maybe a rant or two about some key players at Hines Pool and Spa. So what's different about tonight? Well, it's been a long time since I've spewed out any words on the blog or email and I just couldn't take it anymore. My dinner's getting cold, but I don't care. I'm gonna post for a change, dammit! It's not that I have anything particularly noteworthy to say; Rob pretty much covers what's going on around here on a daily basis.
Another thing that has started to pull me out of my hidey-hole is that the end is finally in sight on the remodel. I finally have a door on my bathroom and after tomorrow I might actually have a sink, some lighting and bathtub fixtures that are screwed to the wall instead of ones that fall off every morning when I try to take a shower. The kitchen sink might actually be connected after tomorrow which would mean that I don't have to use the bathtub to make coffee on Friday morning. I think I mentioned before that it's the little things that make me happy and not having a sink of any kind is one of those little things that has been making me miserable. Ah, but the kitchen sink. Now THIS is a kitchen sink. Here's a picture:

We have a VERY small kitchen so one might wonder why we elected to take up one entire wall with a gigantic 3 tub restaurant kitchen sink. Well, we could have put in a dishwaher, but dishwashers use a lot of electricity and don't do a very good job of washing stuff anyway plus our expensive pots and pans shouldn't go in the dishwasher at all. So it didn't make much sense to put in a dishwasher. It made a lot more sense to buy a good sink. This one has three basins which I figure I'll use one for soapy water, one for rinse water and one for soaking the nasty stuff overnight. Plus when we entertain we can use two basins as icechests if we want. Another odd thing about our kitchen is that there are no cabinets, something we had to explain to the city inspectors. We will have stainless steel worktables instead of counters and everything, including the sink, can be pulled out of the area for cleaning the floors... or the next time our house floods.
Yep, we've pretty much flood-proofed the house and even if the water gets above the six inches of tile that runs around the walls, it's greenboard, not sheetrock. We will be in much better shape the next time mother nature decides to send a wall of water our way. We don't live in a flood plain, not a 100 year, nor 200 year nor a 500 year flood plain and our house shouldn't have flooded in the first place, much less a second time. But Rob and I know it WILL happen again and we decided that we'd rather flood-proof the house than pay a small fortune in flood insurance over the years. We learned a lot from the first experience and if it happens again, when it happens again, the clean up will be a piece of cake compared to the first time. Our eclectic remodel isn't just some cool industrial style, it's practical. When all is done and we can find our deodorant on a regular basis, life will be much better.
In other news, Rob mentioned Sully's new toy. I have decided this is THE BEST DOG TOY EVER, provided you own a dog like Sullivan. I just need to remember to take it away from him before I go to bed so I'm not awakened periodically during the night by SQUEAKS! Only for a few minutes and then he'd conk back out, but still... it's like a bizarre version of a snooze alarm going off in he middle of the night. Not something I need when I have to be at work at seven in the morning. Speaking of which, it's waaaaay past my bedtime. Adios all...
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