Tuesday, May 18, 2004


As we wind down on this remodel, the inconveniences are at their worst. Sure the tile is essentially done. But where is my deodorant? I left it right here on (pick area that has been cleared of objects, or insert your favorite "got knocked off of this spot" scenario ). It's enough to drive you insane.
It's like when you go camping, you set up your site and your tent in as organized a fashion as you can muster on Friday and by break camp on Sunday you can't find a fucking thing. But you don't care, because whatever it is your frantically looking for is somewhere in your stuff and you'll find it when you get home. And you stop worrying.
Unless you pack up and drive home to....Your CAMPSITE!!!! We're lucky to find our asses with both hands and a map these days.
On a high note, our magnet wall is up, and to christen it I went to the local head shop and got some new christening type magnets... My favorite is one that says "recovering catholic, Incense survivor". The hula girl is cool too.

In the never ending saga of the soap opera that is the loss of my job and the resulting drama, here's the latest update. With a cast of characters explanation so you can understand my non-homicidal reaction
Me- Parts guy, retail guy, 44 years old.
XXX- Warehouse guy, old hippy, 60 years old, probably in the last job he's ever gonna have.
YYY- Parts guy/warehouse guy with 20 plus years of experience brought in to "help".
ZZZ- Owner and (sawed off irish piece of lying conniving shit with a conscience) holder of the keys of life.
About a month ago ZZZ and me had a conversation regarding XXX and how ZZZ was looking to me to bring him around (like he needed it...please) or he was going to fire him. I came to XXX's rescue ( at the time I had no idea I would eat the frag on this little excursion into manipulation and bullshit ) and covered his back, assuring ZZZ I was up for the rescue.
So ZZZ brings in YYY to help us get ready for inventory, but there was a plan afoot.
The short version is this:
The original plan was to bring YYY to replace XXX and relegate ME to the warehouse. I would retain my job and XXX would be left hanging.
Somehow, the hands got switched and I was left hanging in the breeze.
I'm the younger man...more options open to me (right...44 is so young).
It's true that I am more marketable than an old hippy bartender, and if ZZZ actually took the time to ponder this and decide that dumping me was the more humane way to go rather than sentencing XXX to a retirement of alpo and night train, I'm glad.
I'll manage... I got some fightin' years left in me.
Everyone knows (or should) you don't fuck around old folks.
XXX- if you read this, 60 is not old to me... you and I have a shared history, but you know how the world is...
So it appears I may have fallen down for one of my own when it's all said and done...
That's ok ... better him than me in this case.

Job offers just keep coming... I have an opportunity to be an electricians apprentice...maybe. I'll get the details tomorrow.
Good night....:)

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