Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Inventory, I mean. I was convinced this count was gonna suck giant road apples. Much to my surprise, it didn't. If there was any road apple sucking going on, they were teeny tiny ones.
My efforts at reversing the fast and loose approach to the inventory by almost all of the employees are paying off. We are 66% improved over last count, and what's missing (should) be easy to account for.
I'm stoked...the owner was even talking about playing golf tomorrow afternoon...this is a good sign.
And no, I'm not golfing. I golf like a one eyed chronic epileptic with DT's...If there were such a thing as the slice girls I'd be permanent slice, the clumsy one.
Disc golf is more my cup of tea...it's frisbee on the move with beer. There are some nice courses in austin to boot.
Things are starting to take shape with the remodel. We passed the sheetrock inspection so we are free to race to the finish, with only the final inspection to go.
Our tub/shower enclosure is tiled and almost all of the sheetrock has been taped and floated. The most amazing thing is the deck on the side of our house is all cleared of the shit that has been accumulating for a couple of years (we are such horrible pack rats that the useless junk had expanded and taken over this deck to the point of Fred Sanford's yard). We might even be able to take showers tomorrow evening! Woo!
If the US postal service is any indication of the overall level of organization and efficiency in the rest of the gubbmint, we are in serious trouble. But we already know that don't we?
I shipped UPS instead, crossed my fingers and said a prayer to the customs god.
Gotta go cook and get ready for the shield...great season so far!

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