Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Because we can,apparently.I move things from the normal resting place at home a lot...keys,my knife,DVDs,just to name a few.My mom used to say of these lost items "I put it in a safe place"-yeah,like the time the safe place for my "disgusting hippy jeans" was in the trash.Thanks mom.Really,just kidding mom.Really.While I am ambivalent about the existence of gawd,I am certain my mom could reach down and smite me anytime she wanted,under her own power!
Besides I got them out of the trash and hid them in the woods,where I would change some mornings.SSsshhh!
But today I was moving smoke detectors,or rather the cable and boxes meant to power and house said detectors.This involved the removal of sections of ceiling,some as large as 6x4 ft..If the existing cable is not long enough to accommodate the relocation,well,you have to replace the cable which usually means relocating it as well.
I scuffed my knuckles up pretty good doing just that because the space between the ceiling I removed and the original one is about an inch & 1/2.Joy:)
But,hey...I like a challenge-that pays.

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