Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Our crew has been whittled down to just five.The foreman,a journeyman,an three IJ's.We will remain for the duration of this job.I'm glad I get to stick around to "bring it home".After it's done we will all move on to the next big job that's just starting up.
Big props to the foreman for playing it right,keeping his core people and ensuring us continued employment.Of my four co workers,I have worked with them all almost from the beginning at UT and other projects.It's a comfortable mix.I'll miss the guys that have moved on,but only until the next job.That's one of the cool things about this contractor,they hang onto their people and you make the rounds,seeing each other again doing the same shit,only in a different environment.I like that.
There's been a sickness going around the tower of late,and this past weekend it got me a little bit.Saturday I felt like shit,and Sunday I stayed in bed and slept a lot.I've never been one to get the crud going around ever in my life until a couple of years ago.Now it seems,age is finally catching up with my metabolism.It knocks me down a little but I still manage to rally back faster than other victims.Back in the day I never got sick...meh.
When Ann gets sick,she's the "I want my mom-needy kind of sick",and I am happy to oblige.I'm just the opposite,I'm the dog that crawls under the deck and lays in the mud till I feel better...I don't want anything but to be left the fuck alone,anyway...

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