Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Politics,or more specifically, the citizens of the united states.By candidate-how can you people support Huckabee?Face it Huckabee's,we are a secular nation with a small but exceedingly loud faction of screaming idiots(who also bother to vote)who think our country should be run by the teachings of gawd.Come on...He's dangerous. His vision of godliness throws every rational thought out the window in regard to,well,everything.Lock up the homos!Pray for an answer!fuck him and you if you support him.He is the most dangerous of them all in my opinion.Baptist-pious-slimy.
Romney...he looks like reagan!!!He's reaganesque!!!I should vote for him because he looks like reagan!!!Fuck you.Plus he's a Mormon,which by definition makes his belief system even weirder than you fucked up evangelicals.His kids are chickenhawk pussies AND he strapped his dog in a carrier on top of his car...You've seen the Stepford wives?He is the Stepford politician.Not to mention his flip flopping like an epileptic on key issues.
McCain...gawd love him(when it suits him)...he was a Viet Nam era POW...that fact alone should preclude him from running for office with all that PTSD flyin' around.He is truly unhinged.I guarantee you he sees a gook in every wood pile.You want world war III?Vote for this asshat.
Rudy...Fuck this mobbed up pile of 9-11 shit...he's a joke.
Ron Paul...he's the only viable one in my opinion,I like his politics,but he's from Texas,and he's crazy-you can't trust a crazy guy from Texas,no matter how much sense he appears to make.
Thompson-HAhhhhhhhhhhHA!What a waste of time.He's almost as much of a joke as Rudy.Almost,but not quite,and only because he looks like a hanna-barberra character. sum up...The GOP has dick this time around,it's not a question of the lesser of 2 evils, it's a question of level of retardation-dems to follow...Don't forget to vote.Like it makes a difference.

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