Monday, January 28, 2008

One foot back in the land of the living
I spent the weekend in bed feeling about as miserable as I've ever felt. Things finally eased up yesterday afternoon after I added Benedryl and a humidifier to the treatment mix. I was able to go into work today, but it was Rob's turn to succumb. This appears to be what folks in Austin call "Cedar Fever" seeing as the pollen count was super high over the weekend and the symptoms match perfectly. Most folks don't actually run a fever and just feel like they have one, but I usually do develop a fever when my allergies are this bad, probably due to a secondary respiratory infection. That actual fever part is past now and I'm just dealing with the basic Cedar Fever symptoms - the red, burning, itchy eyes, the tickle in the throat which makes one cough constantly, the itchy and stopped up ears, the constant sneezing in between the coughs, enough nasal congestion to drown an entire Roman army, and a malaise so pervasive that just getting up to grab another box of a Kleenex seems like moving a mountain. I'm lucky that I don't get this every year like some folks. Rob gets it even less often than me, but when it does hit either one of us, it always hits hard. And so, having survived my day at work, I'm now popping some more Benedryl and going back to bed where I shall remain until tomorrow morning. Unless Rob needs something to help ease his misery, but he usually just wants to be left alone.

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