Tuesday, September 11, 2007


My local HEB has the features of most grocery stores and practices diverse hiring practices,there are people of all creeds and colors,lots of tattooed men and women,goths,punks,disabled people and deaf people.
One of the cooler aspects of the deaf employees is that they work the registers,which to me is a refreshing sign of a truly equal opportunity employer.
What makes my HEB hell on earth are the customers,"guest workers" wives with their impossibly large gangs of progeny running around and screaming and crying like a whirlwind around moms cart while mom is totally acting like it's normal and socially acceptable...multiply this by 50 and you'll get an idea.Then there are the half way house/retard streamlined crowd...I got out of social work for a reason,and the last thing I want do is run into one of my old patients who lives nearby in a county subsidized apartment and wants to talk about the old days like we went to fucking college together or something.This happens...more than I like.
And then there are the crazy old ladies who, once it's time for them to check out at the register,frequently check out for real and don't recognize items in their carts,deny placing items in the cart or suddenly can't remember if they wanted 5 bananas or just three.
Speaking of the registers,like all groceries,they have regular checkout,express 10 items or less (by the way "guest worker wives" can't count,and after years of putting up with this shit,I too have conveniently forgotten how to count to TEN).I do it with impunity.
I'd like to make a suggestion to my local HEB after tonights crazy old lady episode.
Have regular checkout,eliminate 10 items or less and replace it with 10 to 35 items or less and introduce retard check out and crazy old lady check out.But,NEVER,EVER let your deaf cashiers work the retard/crazy old lady registers.
It's a miracle that poor cashiers head didn't explode as crazy old lady ran her back and forth to the rolling tobacco display no less than SIX times (which also means six ring ups and overrides....you have to get a manager to do the overrides) Drum in a can...NO WAIT!2 drum in pouches!NO WAIT!Kite in a can!NO WAIT!2 Bugler in pouches!Hey!Where's my chicken?I KNOW I HAD SOME CHICKEN!NO...That AIN'T MY CHICKEN!
And so it went.
I felt sorry for them both,but mostly I wanted to check the fuck out and go home.
When it was finally my turn,I handed the cashier my empty pack and signaled "2"...which got me a warm smile.

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