Thursday, September 20, 2007


No...not the end result of smoking pot,but the snake, native to Texas,common around this part of Texas.I have dealt with them many times over the years,but this is kind of creepy.
When I got home from work today my neighbor approached me before I could get out of my truck and told me they had seen a moccasin between our houses,a big fat one,and before he could retrieve his pellet gun and shoot it,it slithered into our back yard.
I'm sure they are migrating up from the creek behind our houses(which are dry)in search of water and food...and our back yard is a gold mine.Heavy trees and vegetation,an old turtle pond that still has water in it and a shitload of hoppy toads to feast on.Not to mention my remaining turtles water bowls in the green house.
I loaded up the shotgun with #8 shot and did a reconnoiter of the back yard,I made it to the corner of the greenhouse and considered the considerable canopy that lay before me.I turned around and went back in the house.I don't relish the thought of a "big fat" moccasin dropping out of a tree and biting me on the head.Delivering a serious hemotoxic surprise.
I'm fast,but I'm not that fast...not to mention the whole discharging a fire arm in city limits thing.
I'm pretty sure it is in the old black river turtle pond in the far corner of the yard,nearest my neighbors back yard...ground level water supply near the sub floor of the shed (hoppy toad heaven).
One things for sure,Theo is shitting out front until I figure out how to remove this threat.

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