Yesterday,Theo bit Jen.We were coming into the house so I could show her the Melvins videos I've been downloading and didn't think to put him up in the bedroom,and wham!As we came through the door he saw her and bit the fuck out of her.He has now moved from old and grumpy to dangerous.It was very traumatic.He's been cool with her on the porch,but it never occurred to me that he would react this way when she came in the house,with Irene no less,who absolutely loves her Jen.
I followed her home and doctored her up,and ultimately it was all good.It's a small puncture,but Theo has some foot pounds in that mouth of his,so the hole only represents about a third of the trauma.
Today I took Irene to Red Bud Isle,it's a place I haven't been to in years,in fact,I had some romantic liaisons there in the 70's and the 80's and Kyle and i used to fish there when he was very young.Well,now it's different,it has totally been redesigned and is now a park for those California assholes Ann was talking about the other day.The parking lot was full of high end vehicles and there were soccer moms every where,about 60 or so and they all had dogs.Off leash,and they obviously all knew each other.Irene was the new black kid in the park,so she had her ass sniffed by boxers,a collie who did the play bow and jumped around her,a pug named popeye,and various mixed breeds.Irene has had issues with other dogs in the past,but she was awesome,and handled herself quite well.She only spun around on one of the boxers,I guess his nose was especially cold :).
I will write off Red Bud to's not remotely the place I remember as a kid and as a young parent.Further proof that these fucks from California can fuck up a wet dream.Please,I implore you,go the fuck back from where you came before this town becomes it.
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