Another opens to tide us over.The owner of the company I work for is a bit skinny for work right now,but he managed to line something up for me with another contractor.When I asked the contractor what tools I needed to bring all he said was gloves.
Turns out this was a landscaping project.One of the first things he said to me on Thursday morning was:"I was gonna go to Dripping and get me some "wets",but I'd rather pay somebody from here".I thought to myself,"Self,that's kind of a sideways compliment,but he's trying to help me out and we need the money".He was paying a fair wage-more than he would have paid a "wet".
I was weed whacking along a length of chain length fence covered in old dead vines and hitchhikers (a kind of tiny burr),within 15 minutes I was covered in the things.Then there's the fact that I absolutely hate three sounds:vacuum cleaners,leaf blowers,and most of all,gas powered weed whackers.And then there was was the dizziness.As I readjust to my meds,there is dizziness whenever I squat or bend down and then get back up.Heat makes this worse,much worse.In addition to running the weed whacker,I had to squat down to pull the dead vines off the fence-frequently-that equals frequent head rushes.By 8 am it was into the low 80's and humid as hell,with nowhere to go to cool off.The long and the short of it is I told this guy what was happening and explained about my meds,and he said "well,I guess you're gonna split".
I said I would try to suck it up and stay,but he told me to leave anyway,he didn't want me falling out on him.I can understand that.I left...I felt defeated-and I felt like a pussy.In retrospect,I was also a bit offended by his "wets" comment.
I don't think I scored any confidence points with my contractor either,but oh well.
But back to that opening door...
I talked to an old friend,and shared my plight with her and she said she had some stuff I could do around her house.So today I was sorting out some issues in her basement.There are enough issues to keep me busy for awhile and that's good.I'm making my pay and she's saving a shitload of money as opposed to bringing in a service company to do these varied handyman tasks.So it's a win-win.
I really like the company I work for,and they are making an effort not to lay me off.But,at this point,who knows what's going to happen.
It never ends,does it?