Sunday, July 22, 2007

Schedules and other crazy thoughts
Didn't I post a while back that my July schedule looked a bit saner and I might be able to post more? As I expected, that didn't last long. My new schedule is rather, um... interesting. My days off are now Tuesday and Wednesday, though I have to go into the office for two hours on Tuesday afternoons which kind of screws that up as being a day off. It sounds like the worst possible schedule, but trust me, some of the alternatives that were thrown out were far worse plus I've found some advantages to this current one. I can, if I so desire, wear jeans, t-shirts and sandals three days a week (no dress code on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.) The admins are scarce on Mondays (in meetings) and of course, very scarce on Saturdays and Sundays which means I might be able to dodge some of those "projects" that they like to hand out. You see, the fallout from Mondays always turns into projects handed out on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I'll be absent (for the most part) on those days. I suppose they could always assign it to me via email, but out of sight usually means out of mind. Probably the biggest benefit from this schedule is that if I'm working weekends then I am absolutely, most definitely NOT available to work late in the evenings anymore per instructions from the boss because that would take away what little family time I do have. In addition, I never have to worry about being called in on the weekends because I'm ALREADY working - MWAHAHAH. Yes, it sounds like a horrible schedule, but I suspect I'm going to like it.

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