Friday, July 06, 2007

Rain, rain and more rain
I've lost count of the continuous days of rain, but it's well over 20 by now. This is extremely rare for this part of the world, but I've lived long enough in the area to have seen it happen before, long before global warming was a known issue. I'm pretty sure the return of the ice age was the hot topic the last time this happened, but regardless of the fact that it's due to an impending Ice Age or El Nino or La Nina or Global Warming, this much rain consistently makes for a very crabby population around these parts since we are NOT used to it. Tempers are flaring up at work and even Rob and I have been a bit snippy about things. We need the sun to come out and stay for a long time so we can complain about the heat like normal.

There have been a lot of changes at work - too many to discuss and time will tell if it's for the better or worse. My schedule looks a bit better for the rest of July and if it actually stays as is, then you may see a more frequent poster. But I'm not going to hold my breath since every time I've thought my schedule was "fixed" it has been unfixed in just a week or so. However, I do have the rare Sunday off this week so if I can get motivated to leave the house then you may see another Booze and Breakfast review.

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