Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pronunciation: dik-'tA-t&r-"ship, 'dik-"
Function: noun
1 : the office of dictator
2 : autocratic rule, control, or leadership
3 a : a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique b : a government organization or group in which absolute power is so concentrated c : a despotic state.

Yessir...that would be us.And with the exception of Cuba,we all know what history tells us about the future of dictatorships.They all ended up being overthrown by citizenry and / or the opposition.That's just the way it goes for dictators apparently.
While we,the citizens of the United States,having mostly turned a blind eye to our slide into dictatorship over the last seven years,have done nothing about it.
And now that they have a foot strangle hold on democracy,our civil rights and liberties and we do nothing more (on a national level) than use it as fodder for comedy shows and routines,political cartoons and shallow commentary that we (with few exceptions) consume with no more cognizance than if we were watching an episode of the Simpsons.Most of us chortle at the antics of Jon Stewart and his ilk,oblivious to the underlying message that something is seriously wrong here.
So far,in terms of impact,they are leaving the majority of us alone...from everyday citizens to activist bloggers.By and large,the everyday citizens figure,"hey,Bush ain't fucking with me so fuck it" and go about their daily lives as if the country hasn't changed.The activists continue to point out the obvious only to be ignored by most of the population.And the administration has reached a point of arrogance that allows them to thumb their noses at everyone,including congress.It's a mentality of the sheep don't notice how full of it we are or they don't care,and the activists will still be around when we decide to clean house.And the congress is at best the red headed stepchild,abused and ignored,seen and not heard or taken seriously.
Let me be blunt,they are a joke to this administration...they could give a fuck about congress and the rule of law and make no bones about their contempt.
We,as citizens,are either selfish,self righteous,or blind.
In the past,dictators have typically met ugly ends at the end of ugly insurrections led by people who went down a similar road like we are on now.Government was torn down to a blank slate and they started over.
Is that what's going to happen here in America?
Bushco keeps saying "We got to fight them there,so we don't have to fight them here".
I know this is so much bullshit propaganda,but the fact remains that there are undoubtedly sleeper cells already here and a new government report says that Al Qaeda is stepping up it's efforts to infiltrate us.
I'm not suggesting or predicting that a war on our soil is what it's going to take to get these assholes out of power,but what would you do if that came to pass?
Do we really need to wait until our leaders are shot dead and hung upside down from meat hooks in front of the white house with our country in flames?
I'm all for revolution,in fact since the Reagan administration and before.
But I prefer a nice orderly impeachment proceeding followed by long prison sentences and a return to the rule of law.
Yeah,I know...nice dream Rev.

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