Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So far, So good... I guess
Today marks my having survived four months at my phone tech support job. And despite my belief that I suck at this job, I somehow managed to complete another month of "excellent" call statistics. Today something weird happened that made me wonder if maybe I don't suck as much as I think I do. I returned from lunch to discover my workstation occupied. We're not assigned to work stations, but since I come in at 7:00 am when there are usually only two or three other people working, I can pretty much count on sitting in the same spot day after day. I have never been bumped off a workstation at lunch before, but I had ten minutes left on my lunch hour when I discovered this so I figured I had enough time to find a spot and get settled in before I had to get back on the clock. Settling in involves a lot more than just getting comfortable in the chair since user names and passwords have to be entered in a variety of programs when it's a workstation that I've not used before. However, there were no empty workstations. Not a single one and there were four other people wandering around in the same situation. My supervisor was working today so I flagged him down and volunteered to go home rather than get paid for doing nothing. I thought that might be a good sell, but it didn't work. Instead, he arranged for a workstation to open up soon for me. I protested since there were four other people who also needed workstations and he could just send me home and save the company money. That didn't fly either. It turns out I'm always in the top five call takers when the stats are pulled each week. Well then. Okay. I went back to work and finished my shift, but that extra four hours or work confirmed what I was already starting to suspect. I still suck at this job, but I just suck LESS.

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