Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It's my Friday
Now that I'm on this weird schedule where I have off Wednesday and Sunday, I get two Fridays a week. Of course, I also get two Mondays a week and while there's no equivalent to Saturday, I do have two Sundays instead. I find it all rather confusing and I'm having to adjust to the idea that if I want to do any serious beer drinking on the "weekend" then I have to do it on my "Friday" night. Considering I get up at 5:00 AM, it's a bit difficult to stay up very late on my "Friday" night. It's not a particularly good idea for me to stay up late anyway because the dogs always have to go out early in the morning and my body wants coffee no later than 7:00 AM. Back in the day, when I worked a regular M-F shift, I could start my serious beer drinking on Saturday afternoon and work my way up to having at least two or three hours of functional drunken bliss before passing out at the sensible hour of midnight. Functional being a key word here. If there's a way to achieve that in a shorter period of time, I haven't found it. Drink too much too fast then I miss the bliss part and end up, well, let's just say I don't want to go there. Besides, I drink beer because I like it as a beverage and the thought of pounding it down just to get drunk isn't at all appealing. Being drunk, in and of itself, holds little attraction for me. No, it's the gradual approach to that state, the process by which my body relaxes and my mind starts to let go bit by bit which is so appealing. I could probably achieve the same effect with meditation and I know I can get there with a half-day at the spa (did that once and it was wonderful), but you can't read blogs or wash dishes or get the laundry done while you're doing those things. Drinking beer on the other hand provides an opportunity to get things done while you're on the way to Nirvana. And now that I've figured out that it's really the process that I enjoy and not the end result, I think I'm okay with the switch to doing my serious drinking on a "Friday" night even if it means I'll be going to bed about the time I hit that magical point of functional drunken bliss.

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