Coin Toss
Tomorrow I will either rise bright and early or linger in bed until long after the sun rises. I'm already up way past my usual bedtime so I'm banking on lingering winning the coin toss. Personally, I'm hoping rising bright and early wins. Not because I'm gung ho to get up and attack the mountain of laundry, but if I sleep late then I'll go to bed late again tomorrow night and HAVE to get up early the next morning and face a day on the phones short on sleep. One would think that thought might be enough to propel me out of bed early tomorrow, but I'm not too good about thinking clearly when the alarm goes off in the morning. Take this morning for example. The alarm goes off at 4:20 AM, set for an anticipated single snooze bar hit with my ass getting out of bed at 4:30. Somewhere around 5:15 I realize I'm still dreaming and hitting the snooze bar in my sleep, but the situation still doesn't sink home as I finally get up and let the dogs out, start the coffee and rearrange them so that Sullivan is snuggling with Rob in the bed instead of Theo and Irene. Then I join them figuring I'll grab a few more winks while the coffee's perking. I'm operating in weekend-mode except that it's not the weekend and I don't get "weekends" anymore. Nor do I realize that I'm operating in some long forgotten plane of existence until 6:00 AM which leaves me with 30 minutes to pound down my four cups of coffee, eat breakfast, pack a lunch and get ready for work. Rob call pull this sort of thing off in 15 minutes (sans coffee and packing a lunch), but it takes me a full two hours to become coherent and functional after I get up in the morning which is why the alarm is set for 4:20 AM in the first place. I do manage to pull it off, thanks to the miracle of Hormel's Turkey and Dressing Dinner in the pantry so packing a lunch consisted merely of grabbing the container. By the way, this "dinner" happens to taste EXACTLY like my elementary school cafeteria's version of turkey and dressing. It's not a pleasant memory, but it's food. It also helps that my job is one where I can throw on a pair of jeans and any old t-shirt, slip my feet into the nearest pair of flip-flops and be considered appropriately attired for work. If I still had my old business suit, panty-hose, sensible pumps and makeup sort of job then I would have definitely been calling in sick or claiming "car trouble" today. As it was, I got to work on time and apparently cashed in some karma points because ALL my calls from 7 to 8 were simple dialup customer calls that I could do in my sleep. Good thing, because technically, I WAS still asleep.
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