Monday, March 28, 2005


I was trying to figure out why I was so wired tonight...I mean, here it is almost 11 and I'm still wide awake. Even after the usual amount of screwdrivers that equal bedtime around 9 ish.
Then I remembered what I saw high in the sky this morning...the moon. A sure sign of a full one soon. Back in the psychic wars we used to joke about the moon being full and it's effect on some of our charges. It has an effect on me, some kind of lunar methamphetimine.
So, I'm sittin' on Sully's couch tonight watching the daily show and the guest was Ozzy. Jon got the repartee goin' and the Oz man kept up. For years now people have been raggin' on Ozzy like he's some sort of self induced retard , but tonight Jon put that to rest. he basically said " I'm looking at the lights and you are definitely at home". I thought that was cool. Way to put the fuckin' to the crowd Oz...Although it wavered, I never lost faith in you. And you proved me right. Yeah, like I matter. Sittin' in my livingroom, drunk but speedy from the fucking moon wishing for sleep like praying for rain. Back to the moon...
I could go all night at this point, virtual lines snorted off a celestial mirror. But I won't. minutes after posting this bit of drivel I will turn off the lights and go to bed. Only to toss and turn to the lunacy shining through the windows. And I will probably dream of me and Ozzy in that bamboo grove scene from crouching tiger. EEEEEEEEEEEEE- Yahhhh!

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