Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Regular unleaded is up to 2.05 a gallon...we filled up the work truck today...50 bucks and change. We wondered how service industries could stay in business. They will pass it on to us, consumers. I wondered when I would be stealing a scooter to get to and from work.


This Terri Schiavo thing just won't go away, remove the feeding tube, no wait, put it back, nevermind...remove it. Appeal after appeal. The sitting president signed a decree for a federal judge to review the case, he did and found that there was no cause for the government to intervene and reverse the lower courts decision.It seems some members of congress disagreed and I imagine they are chasing their collective tails to find a more conservative judge to contradict him. My journeyman said he was ready to go to Florida and take it out himself...in other words, enough already. Let this woman go. Her parents say her mortal soul is in danger, apparently a convincing legal argument in this day and (middle) ages. She has been produce for 15 years...FIFTEEN YEARS. The blinking and smiles are functions of the "reptilian" brain for cryin' out loud. Not that I'm suggesting she is a fence lizard, unlike the religio-nutballs who take offense to the term "vegetative state" like it means she's a tomato.
An important side note, well...actually two. There is a law on the books in Texas that allows the primary surrogate to decide when enough is enough, when to pull the plug. If you're
the spouse of a lizard or a tomato, you make the call. George "hard-on for war and oil" W. Bush signed it into law when he was gubner of this state. Funny, that he has done an about face...NOT. Secondly, lest you think I'm just a demonic liberal, I went through this shit with my dad...massive stroke, extended coma, shadow of himself for 9 years before he died. It sucked, and we had a DNR order (do not resusitate), but they called me more times than I can remember from the nursing home to tell me my father was about "to expire". It was a real character builder, let me tell you, at the expense of my dad, who we lost almost literally, limb by limb.

I don't want the fucking gub'ment getting into my shit if I stroke out and lets leave it at that.


Another school massacre...what a bummer. 10 more for no reason.


It's a sorry fucking world sometimes. So I'll end on a light note.


Today, for lunch, we went to McDonalds for some clown food and got that and three clowns in the form of drag rats who hand spanged enough change to get really drunk and go to McDonalds for 3 double cheeseburgers. They were drunk and loud, this is how I know the following: (drag rat # 1) I want three double cheeseburgers, one without fucking pickles, one straight fucking up...(drag rat #2) "One with fucking big mac sauce on it...put some fucking sauce on it bitch". Lovely...I'm thinking (drag rat's # 's 1 and 3, laughing) "chill out dude...So they get the burgers, but not before # 2 gets into an argument about a cup of water, no check that, a "fucking big cup of water". He sticks his head into the trash receptacle and produces a used jumbo "diabetes size" cup and stumbles toward the fountain.I thought he was puking in there for a minute. The brave employee cuts him off and redirects him to the counter for a water cup. This is met with hurls of abuse and profanity along the lines of "I want a BIG FUCKING CUP of water BITCH" Nice. As you can imagine, his 99 cent double cheese burger arrives sans special sauce and he wigs on our beleaguered minimum wage slave again, cussing and stumbling around like an asshole.
My only comment to my journeyman was " I can't believe I used to work with these assholes". They kept looking at us and I was praying for them to leave us alone so to spare me a rant and quite possibly a fight...there would have been a rant, trust me. I used to have empathy for these homeless youth, but after being present for scene after scene like this one, fuck them and the train they rode in on.

Maybe not so light after all.

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