Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Calgon, take me away
I often wonder how many ancient sayings were simply some clever salesperson's ad line. This one has certainly stuck with me over the years. I can IM this line to my friend and she immediately knows I've had one hell of a day. I even tried the "Calgon take me away" approach to stress relief last night since my job does a number on my left shoulder. I quickly discovered that there is no effective way to soak my shoulder in a bathtub designed for anorexic pygmies. In addition, the only thing I had to add to the bathwater to make it more exciting than just a tub of hot water was some Aveeno stuff that turned out to be just plain old oatmeal. So unlike the commercials where the woman is blissfully soaking in a tub of bubbles, I was laying down on my back in a mere 6 inches of water with my legs pretzeled down at the end of the tub breathing in the aroma of stale oatmeal. Not exactly what I had in mind.

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