A large spider has decided to set up shop under our covered deck and I watched him nab a yellow jacket this afternoon. I hope the spider sticks around for a while. Not only are these spiders fun to watch, but the yellow jacket population is getting a bit out of control. We don't knock the yellow jacket nests down unless they build some place where we might accidentally aggravate them enough to attack (like by the door or near the grill), but this year we've had a population explosion. The covered deck where this spider is currently hanging out is my dye studio and also where my clotheslines are strung so I can dry clothes and cloth on the line even when it's raining. I am out there most of the day when it's not 100 degrees outside and so far I haven't been stung, but the sheer number of yellow jackets is starting to make me nervous. I'm somewhat allergic and I'm always afraid that the next sting will be the one that sends me into anaphylactic shock. I can't bring myself to destroy all the nests so I keep my cell phone handy when I'm out there *just in case*. However, with my luck I'll probably drop the phone in the dye bath before I can dial 911 ;)
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