Friday, August 22, 2003

Friday Five
1. When was the last time you laughed?
About 30 minutes ago when the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody started playing. This reminded me of a Human Resources job I once had at a residential treatment center. When this song would play on the radio, three of us in the department would stop what we were doing, gather round the radio and sing along with the song the entire way through with pantomime and air guitar playing at the appropriate parts. Our boss was not amused, but the tradition began long before she came to work there so she would just roll her eyes and shut her office door. Work is so much more enjoyable when your co-workers are people with a sense of humor.

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
I haven't had an argument in a very long time unless you count the customer service folks at SBC. I can't remember the last time I had an argument with someone I actually know. I used to have very ugly arguments with my ex-husband who wouldn't quit until I actually agreed with him. There was no "agree to disagree" in that relationship. I'm pretty stubborn and no asshole is going to tell me how to think so these arguments would sometimes last for hours until I couldn't take it anymore and started throwing things (but never at HIM.) After I put a few holes in the walls, I had a therapist teach me how to avoid getting sucked into those kind of interactions. I also learned how to repair drywall ;)

3. Who was the last person you emailed?
My friend Andrea. We could pick up the phone and call each other, but we prefer email.

4. When was the last time you bathed?
I took a shower this morning. I can't think of anything more to say about this one other than I want a REAL bathtub that holds more than 5 inches of water so I can have a good soak once and a while.

5. What was the last thing you ate?
A bowl of cereal called Heartland or something like that. I like it because it doesn't get soggy while I answer my morning emails. A lot of people eat in front of the TV, but I eat in front of the computer.

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