Saturday, August 09, 2003

A little cooler today
It was only 100 degrees in the shade at 2 o'clock today. That's typical for this time of year and while our house is not exactly what other people would consider cool, it's not quite the sauna it was yesterday. I managed to get some laundry and housework done this morning before things heated up again. I would have rather spent the time on the computer, but there was a certain appeal to having clean clothes to wear when we go visit friends tonight. My wardrobe consists of three pairs of jeans, one pair of shorts to be worn ONLY around the house because the snap is broken, about ten T-shirts, and a couple of button-down shirts. I do have three "interview" outfits, but those are saved for that moment when I might actually get called for an interview (I've had ONE in eight months.) I suppose I should buy some more clothes, but when you are unemployed and generally only venture out of the house about once a week, you discover that sleepwear works quite well for daily attire .

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