Tonight when I was taking some clothes off the clothesline I disturbed the bird which sleeps in my floppy hat. This hat is a laundry item that has been left on the line because some little bird likes to sleep there at night. Actually there are two hats clothespinned together and I'm not sure which one it sleeps in. Maybe both. Rob said I should leave the hats there because it's good luck and so they've been in the same spot for months now. I've never heard of a bird in your hat bringing good luck, but I suppose it could be possible and I need all the luck I can get. I've disturbed it many times before, always after dark when I've gone out to get clothes still on the line. Today was the first time I actually got to see the little bugger since he's never in the hat during the day and this was just around sunset so there was still some daylight. He hung around in the trees nearby, apparently wishing I would hurry up and go my merry way so he could get settled in for the night. Rob and I decided to sneak out there tonight and take a picture. If anyone knows what kind of bird this is, please let me know!

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